Jivan van der Ende
19.12.2020 – 20.12.2020
LLS Paleis, ruimte voor actuele kunst
Antwerpen, BE
The installation/exhibition is formed by a series of works which are connected to each other through five performers and their actions. We recognize the visual elements of capitalism, corporate identity in the work as well as the language of the imaginative artist's studio, resulting in an audiovisual total, which thrives on the spectator's expectations and the acoustics of the architecture.
In the exhibition, a section is limited by a banner, which turns the space into the construction site of the company SOLID SYSTEM. Two of the performers are dressed in assless chaps in theme of this company and move works in the space. The other two performers are dressed in a blue shirt and trousers made of knotted tea towels. They shout through the rolled-up newspaper, the exhibition publication 'LLS Paleis Dagblad #12 To be rolled up by you into a megaphone'.
The fifth performer is a police officer who forcefully steps through the room and switches the video works on or off. This symbol of authority patrols the walls of the space and grabs the visitor's attention with its persistent, yet mysterious presence.
Different scenes alternate at a rapid pace, building up to the climax where the police officer ravages the entire exhibition with a projection of her portrait on the bombastic song 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' by Bonnie Tyler.
De Begeleiders van het tentoonstellingsparcours van (ALL OF THE TIME):
Maurane Colson
Nina Meijer
Elena Op ’t Eynde
Lore Van Roelen
Tim Verherstraeten
LLS Paleis:
Stella Lohaus
Bodo Peeters
Met dank aan Tim Verherstraeten, Ria Pacquée, Ruby Water, Kris Cuylits, Mats Antonissen, Sophia Aristidou en Vidi-square (Ken Wastyn en Pascal Willekens).
Deze tentoonstelling kwam tot stand met subsidies van de Stad Antwerpen.
LLS Paleis wordt gesteund door de Vlaamse Overheid.
Photo’s by Ria Pacquée and Ruby Water

DAGBLAD#12 and exhibition views by Ria Pacquée and Ruby Water