Oefeningen in de scenografie (publicatie), 2023

In this publication designed by Elena Op ‘t Eynde, displays compositions of objects by the artist or from the artist’ studio.
The objects served as work-out tools, weights and instruments as Jivan van der Ende explores the question with bodybuilding champion Jurgen van Wesemael ‘Could you do a bodybuilding work out in the studio of an artist?’


Jivan van der Ende
text: Bas Hendrikx
graphic design: Elena Op ‘t Eynde
edition: 250
size: 10 x 15 cm
prize: €15
published in occasion of ‘Worldlines’, Final show HISK 2023

Financial supported by HISK

Artist publicatie in collaboration with Elena Op ‘t Eynde, Bas Hendrikx and HISK, 2023